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Setup & Requirements


Appium version 2.0.X

Installation - Server

Install the plugin using Appium's plugin CLI, either as a named plugin or via NPM:

appium plugin install --source=npm appium-device-farm
appium plugin install --source=npm appium-dashboard

Installation - Client

No special action is needed to make things work on the client side.


The plugin will not be active unless turned on when invoking the Appium server. See "Argument options" below

appium server -ka 800 --use-plugins=device-farm,appium-dashboard  -pa /wd/hub --plugin-device-farm-platform=android

You can also pass all the arguments in a config file. Refer here

appium server -ka 800 --use-plugins=device-farm --config ./server-config.json -pa /wd/hub

Device UI

  • Navigate to localhost:4723/device-farm once the appium server is started.

User can block/unblock devices from Dashboard manually. These devices will not be picked up for automation.

Once automation picks the device user cannot manually unblock, it's responsible for the automation script.